Homeopathic Remedies
Homeopathic Remedies which have been studied for their capacity to reduce radiation damage to cells include:
- Ginseng 6x, 30x, 200xRuta graveolens 30x and 200x –
- Ginseng 6x, 30x, 200x
- Ruta graveolens 30x and 200x –
- Apis mellifica 7c or 9c for skin damage
- N-4 Radiation Antitox, produced by Apex Energetics is said to protect against ionizing radiation (radioactivity)
- RADIUM BROMATUM (radium bromide) 30c or 12c
- URANIUM NITRICUM (nitrate of uranium) for uranium exposure
- PLUTONIUM NITRICUM lacks information, but should theoretically help with plutonium exposure. One or more of the Japanese plants is a MOX or Mixed Oxides of Plutonium plant. Plutonium is the deadliest substance on the planet since 1 molecule of Plutonium in your body guarantees the development of cancer, according to radiation medicine experts.
- ANACARDIUM is said to be useful to eliminate the side effects of radiation poisoning
- PHOSPHORUS may alleviate the symptoms of post radiation exposure as well.